Cold Plasma Dispersion Relation

Cold plasma dispersion relations are derived from two-fluid equations and Maxwell’s equations.

Dielectric Tensor

Linearized equation of motion:

\[ -i\omega m_s \vb{u_{1s}}=q_s (\vb{E_1}+\vb{u_{1s}}\times \vb{B_0})\].

Let \(\hat{z}\) be the direction of \(\vb{B_0}\), and then we have the equation of motion in components:

u_{xs} = \frac{iq_{s}}{m_{s}(\omega^2 – \omega_{cs}^2)}(\omega E_{x} + i\omega_{cs} E_{y}) \\
u_{ys} = \frac{iq_{s}}{m_{s}(\omega^2 – \omega_{cs}^2)}(-i\omega_{cs} E_{x} + \omega E_{y}) \\
u_{zs} = \frac{iq_{s}}{m_{s}\omega} E_{z}

The diectric (permittivity) tensor is defined as \[\va{\va{K}}=1+\frac{i}{\omega\epsilon_0} \va{\va{\sigma}},\] from which we obtain

\va{\va{K}} =
S & -iD & 0 \\
iD & S & 0 \\
0 & 0 & P


R = 1 – \sum_{s} \frac{\omega_{ps}^2}{\omega(\omega + \Omega_{cs})}, \\
L = 1 – \sum_{s} \frac{\omega_{ps}^2}{\omega(\omega – \Omega_{cs})},\\
P = 1 – \sum_{s} \frac{\omega_{ps}^2}{\omega^2},\\
S = \frac{1}{2}(R + L) = 1 – \sum_{s} \frac{\omega_{ps}^2}{\omega^2 – \Omega_{cs}^2},\\

Maxwell’s Equations

From the Maxwell’s equations, the Fourier components of E and B satisfy

\vb{n} \times \vb{n} \times \vb{E} + \va{\va{K}} \cdot \vb{E} = 0.

Figure [alm]. Wave propagation in (x,z) plane.

Assume that the propagation occurs only in (x,z) plane, i.e.

n_x = n \sin(\theta), \\
n_z = n \cos(\theta).

Using the cold plasma dielectric tensor derived above, \eqref{maxwell} can be written in the form

\va{\va{M}}_{k,\omega} \cdot \mathbf{E} =
S – n^2 \cos^2(\theta) & -iD & n^2 \cos(\theta) \sin(\theta) \\
iD & S – n^2 & 0 \\
n^2 \cos(\theta) \sin(\theta) & 0 & P – n^2 \sin^2(\theta)
E_x \\
E_y \\
= 0.

The dispersion relation is therefore given by \(\abs{\va{\va{M}} }=0\), which can be recast in the form \[ An^4-Bn^2+C=0\] with

A = S \sin^2(\theta) + P \cos^2(\theta), \\
B = RL \sin^2(\theta) + PS(1 + \cos^2(\theta)), \\
C = PRL.

In many cases, it is useful to write the dispersion relation as a quadratic in \(n_{\perp}^2\), considering \(n_{\parallel}^2\) is known:

\[A’ n_\perp^4 – B’ n_\perp^2 + C’ = 0\] with

A’ = S, \\
B’ = RL + PS – n_\parallel^2 (P + S), \\
C’ = P (n_\parallel^2 – R)(n_\parallel^2 – L).

Lower Hybrid Wave: Arbitrary \(\theta\)

For the case with arbitrary \(\theta\), it would be significantly inconvenient to obtain an expression for the dispersion relation. However, if given \( \omega \approx\omega_{ci}\), approximation can be made to simplify the expressions.

Specifically, we have

A’ &= S, \\
B’ &\approx -\left(\frac{\omega_{pe}^2}{\omega^2}\right)(S – n_\parallel^2), \\
C’ &\approx -\left(\frac{\omega_{pe}^2}{\omega^2}\right)\left((S – n_\parallel^2)^2 – D^2\right)

and thus the dispersion relation is obtained as

n_{\perp,F}^2 &= \frac{(n_{\parallel}^2 – R)(n_{\parallel}^2 – L)}{n_{\parallel}^2 – S}, \\
n_{\perp,S}^2 &= -\frac{P}{S}(n_{\parallel}^2 – S).

where S and F mean ‘slow’ and ‘fast’. Generally, \(n_S \gg n_F\), so their phase velocities (also frequency) satisfy F>S.

Due to the non-uniform B in Tokamaks, slow waves cannot propagate in the plasma (the cut-off is located around the plasma surface). A MATLAB code shows in the EAST tokamak, the fast wave resonates in the core area, whereas the slow wave resonates at the edge.

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